Dewar Series
phasetwo’s Dewar series provides customers with the latest technology in traditional sizes, accommodating the new Liquid Withdrawal Device (LWD) suitable for the 25 through 50-liter models. The design provides a quick and easy half-turn secure attachment of the Liquid Withdrawal Device. Our premium multi-layer insulation and other materials, together with the latest vacuum technology systems, provide the leading industry performance. Engineering utilized finite element analysis, with specific testing to create durable aluminum dewars suitable for today’s requirements.
Industry Applications
Series & Accessories
- D4
- D5
- D10
- D25
- D35
- D50
- Dewar Accessories (Roller Bases, Liquid Withdrawal Device (LWD), Dippers, Tipping Stand, Lid Assembly)
Industry Applications
- Dermatology
- Biobanking
- Cancer Research
- Cord Blood
- General Laboratories